Ural Expeditions &smp; Tours

Maps of Baikal Lake region

Geographical map "Map of lake Baikal + Map of Southern Pribaikalie" (in English, in Russian)
Scale: Scale 1:1000000, 1:200000. Price: 10 euro (not including postage)

Geographical map "Map of island Olkhon + Map of lake Baikal" (in English, in Russian)
Scale: Scale 1:100000, 1:1000000. Price: 10 euro (not including postage)

Geographical map "Rund-Baikal-Elsenbahn", (in German, in Russian)
Scale: Scale 1:100000, 1:1000000. Price: 10 euro (not including postage)

Geographical map "Irkutsk - Listvyanka + map of Listvyanka" (in English, in Russian)
Scale: Scale 1:100000, 1:10000. Price: 10 euro (not including postage)

News: Lake Baikal - ecological tours

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