Ural Expeditions &smp; Tours

Protests & Claims

A competitor has a right to protest or claim for consideration of the panel of judges. It consists of a chief referee, a senior start and finish referee and a chief secretary. Protests and claims can be the following:

  • protests and claims affecting tabulating top places;
  • protests and claims concerning inaccuracy of time measurement that a competitor has run the distance;
  • protests and claims concerning disqualification of a competitor for misconduct.

Other claims can be neglected by the commission for their insignificancy (including misprints, incorrect personal data etc.).
When claiming it is necessary to specify the following information:

  • Name and Surname;
  • Distance;
  • Nature of a claim;
  • Data giving evidence of the fault (photo and video data, information from individual time measuring devices won’t be accepted for consideration).

Claims are accepted only from competitors or third party who are official representatives of contesters.
Protests and claims affecting tabulating top places in the ultimate championship and in age groups are accepted by the panel of judges in written form or oral form from the moment of declaring the winner and till the official awarding ceremony on the event day.
Tabulating top places after the official awarding ceremony can be revised by the panel of judges only when identifying relevant rule breaking provided by the winner to be impossible to identify before the awarding ceremony. Decision of reconsideration of top places is to be taken by the Director of the competition.


Copyright © 2004 «Ural Expeditions & Tours»
Создание сайта: студия веб дизайна «Softmajor», 2003 г.