Tour reports
We just wanted to let you know that we had a great tour today. Natasha provided us with an amazing amount of background to help us understand what we were seeing and we had fun watching Ivan negotiate the road to Devils Town which was the highlight of the trip. Carol Ann wouldn’t climb to the top because she doesn’t like heights but I enjoyed a few minutes up there with Ivan. The tour gave us a much better sense of Ru outside of the main cities and it was interesting to see that Russia roads are a lot like Canadian roads in the spring. It was also interesting to find out that Ivan and his wife are both geologists like Carol Ann and I.
We had mentioned to Natasha that Tsar Nicholas II had a sister who moved to Canada. Please pass along to her that his sisters name was Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna and she died in 1960 near Toronto Ontario.
Thanks again for for providing us with a great experience!
Dale Desjardins and Carol Ann (Canada)
Hi William here we had a fantastic bike ride, enjoyed Moscow and ST, Petersberg. But have no wish to go back. We would love to come back to the urals. Loved Ekateringburg. Love the people, if possible i would love to come back for another ride. [preferably with a 2 w/drive Ural]. I must complement Vladmere nad Natalia, wonderfull people. a credit to your company and to your country, Russia. Especially out in the countryside. Thanks again for the trip of a life time.
Lorraine and William Roberts (Australia)
The trip was very interesting , your guide Xenia was very skilled and kind, we appreciated her very much. The slledge dog experience was really nice, and the landscape wonderful. Also the guided visit to the places of the end of the Zar, the Church on blood as well as Ganina Yama were a very well made. I hope to come again to the Ural region and visit it with your agency.
Valeria Vittimberga (Italy)
I just wanted to let you know that we have had an amazing trip in Ural and Taganaj with your guide Aleksej! He was very friendly and helpful. We learned a lot from him and from the other guide Kiril who joined at Taganaj. Aleksej even got me a surprise sparkling wine for my birthday, which was really appreciated! And your friendly communication and help up front made us feel secure and no question was left unanswered. Thank you for that! We truly enjoyed our trip and will remember it forever. Thanks again and all the best,
Veronica Luneborg Olsen (Norway)
Thank you for a memorable tour of the Ural district. This excursion was the highlight of our trip! The wild strawberries and blueberries, mushrooms and the history of the people of the Urals and of course the wonderful entertainment at Tchaikovsky house. The felt shoes we made now hang on our Christmas tree.
Catherine and Lew Hird
We spent 4 unforgettable days in Taganai national park. We really enjoyed this little adventure in the Urals. We didn’t expect to have so much snow at the beginning of November, but landscapes were beautiful and it was not so cold. Guides were always helpful, and trying to adapt the path to our wishes. Food was nice also ! I guess the best souvenir of this great experience will be the rustic bania after a day of walk.
Grégoire Chesnot (France)
During the planning of a two-man trip to the Urals we found a good support from Oleg and his organization. Even when the trip grow out to a six men operation we received a flexible and professional support of them. The visa support was fine and sufficient. The trip itself was wonderful.
The support of the guide and mechanic was professional end very friendly. Although the weather wasn't always sunny, we had a marvelous trip from Jekaterinburg and Irbit. All the arrangements where fine and OK.
The suggestions of the Ural-event organizations where always right en reliable. The never let you down. All six of us look back to a wonderful experience and learned a lot about Russia and there friendly and warm people.
And driving the new Ural Motorcycles is an experience on it's own!
Leo Wartna, Arnhem, The Netherlands
As part of our transiberian trip we decided to stop in Yekaterinburg. One of the best decisions we made was contacting Ural expeditions & tours for a 3-day tour to Taganay National Park. Our guides were Oleg and Julia who always volunteered information and were very knowledgeable. We also had the opportunity to try Russian food and have a russian bath in the middle of the forest jumping to the cold river!!!!
Thanks you guys for your arrangements and expert planning of our trip. Now that we can speak some Russian we look forward to visiting you in the future.
Esther & Julian (Spain)
We really had a wonderful trip with an excellent driver and an excellent guide. Alena speaks German almost like a native speaker. We were also impressed because of her detailed knowlegde about the places, we visited, about the ural region, russian culture, history and economy. We really learned a lot. Both are so friendly and nice persons - my guests and I really enjoyed it to be in their company.
Last but not least: thank you for the excellent and uncomlicated organisation.
In brief: the trip really surpassed our expectations. Next trip I will definitly book again with Welcome Ural.
Photographs will follow!
Kind regards,
Sandra Nohsutta (Germany)
We enjoyed our trip to the Ural mountains very much. It was well organised and Max was a very friendly and competent guide.
Catriona Kellock (Scotland)
I just wanted to say that Nicolay was an excellent guide and Tanya a good interpreter on my Mineral Tour of the Urals. I would never have believed that I could see so many different mines and minerals and dig so much in so few days. I also loved seeing the villages and the forests.
Thanks for giving me this opportunity to enjoy Russia.
Ray Else (USA)
Thank you for arranging a wonderful day at Deer Streams for us - it was definitely one of the highlights of our trip in Russia. It was great to meet you and your team, and we will definitely be coming back for more on our next visit to the urals!
Nai-Ying & Sar (Australia)
We had a fantastic trip to the Deer Stream Country Park with you. Thank you so much for organising a great 2 days walking, some tasty food and superb views!
Rachel & Doug (Great Britain)
We have appreciated very much our trip on transsiberian and meeting people like you who give a special note at our trip.
Louise Charette (Canada)
It was nice to know a litle bit of the urals mountains together with you. I'm sure that there are fantastic views and possible trekking to do if you stay longer in the area.. it is a pitty that it was not possible this time.. maybe in the future who knos.
Thanks a lot for your information
Greetigs from all my colleges
Best regards
Carme (Spain)
We had a really enjoyable stay in Ekaterinburg and yes, our legs do still ache ever so slightly but it was worth it! However, we must work on our fitness for our next big trek in the countryside. It was really nice to meet you and maybe our paths will cross again in the future. We will certainly recommend your company to any friends who plan to visit Russia.
Thanks again,
Niamh and Catherine (Ireland)
...Courtesy of a company that specialized in expeditions to the Urals I immersed myself briefly in Ermak's world. Our group was led by Dmitry Voroshchuk, a bearded, bespectacled, thirty-four-year-old graduate of the local Mining Institute, who had transferred his academic expertise into a profitable little enterprise escorting like-minded enthusiasts through the geological and ecological wonders of the Urals. We drove out of Ekaterinburg along a minor road until we came to a rough track that led to a clearing overlooking teh Chusovaya. Then we clambered some 200 metres down a steep and slippery wooden bank, carrying a couple of infalted catamaran rafts that would take us downriver for the afternoon. once launched, we paddled gently in Ermak's wake. In spring the river becomes a dangerous torrent; in the autumn sunlight it was reassuringly benign, though it occasionally bubbled and boiled as it accelerated over a shoal of mini-rapids that threatened to ground us ignominiously in the middle of the river. On either side the trees crowded from the skyline to the water's edge, making way only for the occasional slab of grey-white perpendicular rock at 30 metres or more in height - the Urals undressed - which ran down into the water, a natural fortress against invaders...
From the BBC book: "RUSSIA. A Journey to the Heart of a Land and its People" by Jonathan Dimbleby.
Besides you can enjoy "Russia - A Journey With Jonathan Dimbleby" on DVD
Dogs tours were a very good experience, it has been a pleasure to meet you and your team.
Extract of diary
Nous retrouvons Dmitry en compagnie de deux de ses collegues. Ils sont a bord d'un vieux vehicule Russe, traineau sur le toit, un gros chien assis a l'arriere. Ce chien assez massif (premiere fois que j en vois un de pres) est le chef de la meute et a des privileges. Etre assis a cote de nous ou se ballader en liberte par exemple. Il passera tout le trajet a essayer de me prendre ma place ... mais il est gentil bien qu'ayant des yeux de tueur. Nous arrivons au debut de la piste. Dmitry nous explique le cri de guerre a lancer pour faire avancer les chiens et... c'est tout, pas de stop, ni droite ni gauche. Les chiens vont suivre le vehicule tout terrain qui nous devancera sur la route un peu chaotique et bien enneigee. Je m'asseois dans le traineau, Romain est le pilote ! Route trop chaotique, chien surexcites apres autant de temps dans le vehicule, on se ramasse au bout de quelques metres. On repart, tout se passe tranquillement.
Nous conduirons a tour de role jusqu'a la pause dejeuner. Nous montons en haut d'un petit mont avec Dmitry pendant que ses amis preparent un feu et a manger! Belle vue une fois en haut mais ascension un peu casse gueule sur les rochers a cause de la glace. Repas royal nous mangeons a notre faim, 4 ou 5 verres de vodka plus tard nous voila repartis! Tout se passe bien jusqu'a un embranchement. Le fameux embranchement qui va tout faire basculer. J'en rajoute un peu mais la suite est sympa. Pas de tout terrain en vue, ou aller? Les chiens decident plus ou moins (plus quand meme) que ce sera a droite. Apres tout, les chiens ont le sens de l'odorat affute et ils doivent connaitre la region. Je suis peu confiant tout de meme, contrairement a Romain. Lorsque nous arrivons en vue d'une voie ferree nous sommes tous les deux d'accord pour dire que ce n'etait pas le bon chemin. Arret du traineau, Romain descend, je reste appuye sur le frein du traineau (le frein est une barre en acier qui vient tout simplement mordre la neige quand on a le pied dessus). Malheureusement ces cretins de chiens decident de repartir (il y en a 6 tout de meme) et impossible de les stopper, je me prends un monticule de neige, je tombe, ce qui fait que .... les chiens se cassent sans nous (a ce moment, connaitre le mot pour dire stop aurait pu aider). La ca doit vous faire marrer mais pas nous (Romain qui etait devant le traineau a ce moment n'a pas pu les rattaraper).
Nous voila sans guide, sans chiens. Nous partons a leur poursuite car entre la voie ferree et plus tard une route nous nous inquietons pour eux. C'est vrai qu'ils sont cons, mais mignons quand meme. Peine perdue, Je decide d'aller retrouver Dmitry pendant que Romain continue les recherches. Mine de rien nous avons parcouru une bonne distance a pieds, une partie en courant. Je retrouve Dmitry, plus tard nous retrouvons les chiens qui ont ete stoppes dans un petit village. Ca fait au moins plaisir aux quelques gosses qui sont la. Dmitry garde le sourire, "wild ural" qu'il me disait pendant que nous marchions. Je m'en veux un peu meme si nous en voulons plus a Dmitry qui ne nous a pas attendu a l'embranchement sachant que les chiens n'obeissent vraiment qu'aux guides. Les chiens vont bien c'est l'essentiel.
Retour a la maison, nous racontons notre journee aux filles, ce qui aura au moins le merite de les faire rire.
11/03/2008 :
Deuxieme journee de traineau. Ca s'annonce sportif quand on voit la tete de la montee qu il faut se faire. Les chiens etant de sacrees faignasses, il n y en a qu'un qui reste sur le traineau pour le guider et relancer les chiens (Romain) pendant que je suis a pieds en essayant de filmer ca. La descente qui suit est finalement pire car les chiens (5) vont a fond, le traineau finissant par les rattrapper. Romain se coince le pied dans le frein, moi je suis assis donc aucun controle, il n y a plus qu'a laisser filer... pas rassurant. Mais c'est une belle journee (aujourd'hui le 4*4 ne peut pas nous preceder alors son chauffeur a pris un traineau pour nous guider, le pauvre est malade, il en chie). Retour pepere sous le soleil, dejeuner encore copieux. Re vodka, cette fois nous finissons completement la bouteille. Rassurez vous le chauffeur ne boit pas et nous la buvons a 4.
Bilan de ces deux journees : du stress, des rires, du souffle. Je realise a quel point les muschers (desole pour l'orthographe) doivent en chier dans les courses. Pousser le traineau, courrir a cote pour aider les chiens dans la neige est tout simplement crevant ... surtout quand ces faignasses ne donnent pas tout ce qu'elles ont. Par contre quand elles y vont, ces betes ont une sacree puissance. Impressionant. C'etait sympa.
Nicholas Feneyrol & Roman, (France)
Thanks again for wonderfull experience, it was fun to spend the day with you and your firends, the dogs were avesome.
Tibor Bokor, (Czeck Republic)
Thank you so much for arranging things for us, I really did have a great time at Kaga. I had never driven a snowmobile, had never been cross country skiing or in a horse sled, and the only time I have ridden a horse was when I was a child!! So my new experiences were many. Russia is in some ways as I had expected but in so many others different.
Patricia Biggins, (Great Britain)

For arranging the trip (trekking and cycling from Miass - Zlatoust - Miass through Taganay national park) I only had contact with Dmitrij. It was simple agreement about the trekking. I was pleased to see that it was possible to make agreement on short term. You operate very flexible. Really good!
It was a pleasant trip, well prepared. Conditions were a bit extreme, weather fluctuated. I learnt a lot about trekking in remote area. May be equipment could be better.
I have a great time with Dmitrij and Ruslan, thanks!
Ruben Abma, (Holland)
Thanks for organizing an excellent tour on Ural sidecar motorcycles in July ‘07 for us! My father and I had a great time and were well taken care of by our interpreter Katya and our guide Alex. It was the perfect father and son get away beginning with the trip from Beijing to Ekaterinburg on the Trans Siberian Railway, ending with the Ekaterinburg bike show, and especially experiencing the country side of Russia up close and personal on the Ural. The trip gave us a real appreciation of Russia’s wide open countryside, its unique small villages, and great Russian hospitality. We especially enjoyed the tour of the Ural Motorcycle Plant in Irbit and the unique sites that each of the villages had to offer. But most of all, I enjoyed the unique photographic opportunities the tour presented, and I have shared my photo journal of the trip at web-site.
Rick (Taiwan) and Gene (USA)
We are happy to inform you that our trip was succesful.
We got our train tickets in Moscow as promised and Sergei took very good care of us. He is an impressive guide, mechanic and driver and who managed to keep up the good spirit, even when plagued by several breakdowns of our vehicle and some persistant rainy weather. The Polar Urals were a unique experience to us, and so were its people!
All the best to you and your team,
Wieland, Saskia, Sara, Olivier. (Belgium)
We were travelling with Ural Expeditions and Tours in early June 2007. Our main target were birdwatching, photographing and sound recording. We spent four nights in the lake area north of Chelyabinsk travelling by car an sleeping in tents. After that we spent five nights at the Chusovaya river in the northeastern part of Sverdlovsk oblast. We rafted 50 km down the river and spent the nights in the tents. In spite of abnormally cold weather and lots of rain, our trip was a success and we were pleased. We can recommend Ural expeditions and Tours as a travel organiser. If you have something to ask about birdwatching in the Urals, you may contact us, search the web for contact information.
Annika Forsten & Antero Lindholm. (Finland)
I wanted to thank you very much for the organization and support of our motorbike trip on Ural-sidecar-motorbikes in and through the southern Ural.
For us, Doris and myself, it was an amazing experience to get to know West-Siberia - your country - together with you guys. A fabulous and intense trip, which could not have been the same without your help.
We always remember ourselves and I still have the hope to come back to Yekaterinburg, to the huge fields and forests, which we crossed with the motorbikes.
We send best regards from here to you and your team and we both hope, that we’ll meet you all again one day.
Michael and Doris. (Germany)
I was very impressed with the organizational skills of Ural Expeditions and Tours. I found the e-mail contacts prior to my leaving for Russia very prompt, helpful and understanding. I had not understood some of the complexities associated with acquiring a tourist visa for Russia. I almost didn't make the trip to Yekaterinburg because of my mistakes but Ural Expeditions was very accommodating and helpful.
My flight arrived in Yekaterinburg very early in the morning of June 4th and so I had not expected to be met at the airport as had been suggested in prior e-mails from Ural Expeditions and Tours. Much to my surprise Anna, a very pleasant young woman, speaking very clear English, met us at the airport and helped myself and another conference attendee to our accommodations.
Ural Expeditions and Tours ensured conference attendees were provided transport to and from the conference. All of these arrangements worked very smoothly.
The highlight of my visit to Russia was the tour to Mt. Iremel, lead by Pavel Moiseev one of the main conference organizers and Dmitrij Voroschuk of Ural Expeditions and Tours. He and Pavel Moiseev lead a group of 30+ people on a bus tour to the base of Mt. Iremel and subsequent hike up to tree line. Dmitrij was very organized and pleasant. The evening spent in Toluk prior to our hike featured a campfire sing-along with people from around the world singing folk-songs from their home countries. Dmitrij ensured that anyone who needed some vodka to help their singing voices were not without. This was a very special evening that I won't forget.
The next day Dmitrij helped Pavel lead our tour group first in rugged Ural Trucks then on foot up a trail to tree-line on Mt. Iremel. The was a great range of physical fitness amongst the group which placed a fair amount of stress and responsibility on the tour leader but both Pavel and Dmitrij dealt with this role very professionally. We all had a great hike and were all very thankful for the food provided. We made it back to the Rosa Vertob guest house in the backs of the rugged trucks just in time before a spectacular summer storm in the Urals. Another great evening spent in Toluk but no campfire, just an incredible show of lightening and a torrential downpour to witness from outside the sauna.
Our bus ride back to Yekaterinburg the next day was not completely without incident but the tour organizers made sure we all made it back to town safely and those that had to catch flights out of the city that night were accommodated.
Ural Expeditions and Tours helped make my trip to Yekaterinburg and surroundings a very pleasant, very memorable experience. Great job, well done!
Woods Alex. (Canada)
We were travelling in Russia with that famous "URAL"-side-car motorcycle was one of the most fascinating tours we ever made! You and your company's management of the motor-bike tour and of the sight-seeing excursions was perfect and so we saw many various interesting places either in Ekaterinburg or in Irbit and surroundings. In that few days we changed our mind about Russia and its people from a vague imagine to so a positive picture, that we choose Russia to a preferential position for further tourings. We are sure to return to Russia not only for one time. If we wouldn't already own a "ROYAL ENFIELD" side-car motorbike, we would like to buy now the same one of "URAL".
We would like to see you again in Sibiria. Until then kindest regards and cordially yours
Margit and Fritz. Nürnberg. (Germany)
Last June, I travelled to Russia for the very first time to attend an international conference on forests and climate change in Ekaterinburg.
It is located directly across the North Pole from where I live in Edmonton, Canada, with a 12-hour time change. My colleagues and I had the pleasure of joining the 3-day excursion organized by Ural Expeditions and Tours that took us from Ekaterinburg to the village of Tyulyuk in the southern Ural Mountains. As it happened, my 51st birthday happened to be on the day we climbed up Mount Iremel, and I couldn't think of a better place to commemorate such an event! I was impressed with how well the excursion was organized, and it was great seeing so much of Russian culture and scenery during my short visit.
I'm continuing to enjoy the memories by showing my digital photos of the trip to friends, family and colleagues. Thanks especially to Dmitrij for all his help with our logistics and for providing this wonderful opportunity!
Ted Hogg. (Canada)
We entered Russia from Mongolia. Before going to the West, we visited some places in Siberia. In Ekaterinburg we got off the train to explore the Ural mountains. We were given the address by Oleg Demiyanenko (whom we met in Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan), who works for URAL EXPEDITIONS & TOURS). We met him for the second time in his office in Ekaterinburg.
We explained to Oleg our visions about our Ural trip. He was very helpful and in a short time he organised everything and the next day we were on our way to Vyasovaya where it started to snow.
In the evening we reached Tiuliuk where we were accommodated in a Turbasa (a wooden chalet).
The next day we started our trek in powder snow following rabbit, squirrel and mice footprints. In spite of it being foggy we found the summit of Iremel. On our descent we shifted snow aside to make room for our tent. Then we cooked dinner and curled up in our sleeping bags because of the cold! Of the five days in the Urals, three nights were spent in the Turbasa and two in our tent. During these five days we enjoyed the spectacular scenery and landscape.
We can recommend URAL EXPEDITIONS & TOURS to everyone. Here you can find help and support for every special wish.
Karin and Sven Moosberger. (Switzerland)
Dmitrij and Oleg, two friends who are proud and pleased to show you their country.
Their extensive knowledge of the Geology and Mineralogy of the area only adds to the interest.
Certainly not a package tour – but a hand crafted journey into the lesser known area of the Southern Urals.
The daily itinerary is only a guess as to what might happen – with their intimate knowledge of the area a sudden turn up a hidden track to a secret cave or landmark is a frequent diversion.
Don’t be surprised if you are suddenly invited to a children’s Christmas or birthday party, or to a friend’s house out in the wilds for vodka – it’s just that sort of adventure.
Ural Expeditions and Tours is much too formal a description – let me just say that I would commend Dmitrij and Oleg to anyone who enjoys an adventure in such an interesting part of Russia.
John Gates. Bedfordshire. (England)
All is right now and we are fine. We are always thinking our last trip in URAL. It is a very nice country with marvellous landscapes and forests. All people are very friendly and we keep a very good memory of our 2 weeks among you.
I find your company very professional, and very experimented people: guides, driver and intendance.
We intend to go back next summer; I am checking the dates now and will forecast with you our next trip in Imeni and Zlatoust country.
Michel lavergne. (France)
 We enjoyed our stay in the Urals very much. The dog tour we booked was quite an experience and the dogs all nice and very friendly. The weather was perfect, not too cold and a nice blue sky, and we can definitely recommend this trip!
Your city guide Ivan was one of the best we ever had and his German almost perfect.
The day tour to the Romanov site impressed us a lot and we were extra lucky to be there the day before Russian Christmas, so we were able to attend a church service as well.
Congratulations for the good organisation and whenever we come back again we will definitely let you know!
Ulrike and Mirko. (Germany)
 The Ural Mountains are the most interesting and attractive place I have ever seen.
Tour report: in Spain, in Russian
Juan Menéndez Granados. (Spain)