Butterflies of the Southern Altai
Systematic List Butterflies
Swallowtail |
Papilio machaon |
Rather scarce – seen mostly on high passes. 4/14 |
Scarce Swallowtail |
Iphiclides podalirius |
1 between Ust-Kamenogorsk and Zaysan |
Parnassius ariadne |
1 seen well and photographed on route up the Cold Pass at Markakol |
Small Apollo |
Parnassius phoebus |
2 probably this species photographed on the dry hill north of Markakol and 4+ almost certainly this species on the way up the Alatay Pass. 2/14 |
Apollo |
Parnassius apollo |
Subspecies ‘alpherakyi’. Seen above Cim Bulak, Almaty and 2+ between Kamenka and Ust-Kamenogorsk. 2/14 |
Orange-Tip |
Anthocharis cardamines |
Widespread in low numbers. 7/14 |
Black-veined White |
Aporia crataegi |
Widespread. 9/14 |
Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow |
Colias rate |
Probably widespread but only identified with certainty on 4 days. Certainly there were other Colias species present that went unidentified |
Colias tyche |
1 seen on the ‘Scots Pine’ Pass in the Kalbinskiy Hills |
Brimstone |
Gonepteryx rhami |
Noted in the Kalbinskiy Hills and 1 on the Alatay Pass. 3/14 |
Leptidea morsei |
At times the commonest of the wood whites at Markakol. Distinctive with pronounced ‘cross-bars’ on the hindwings and slightly more attentuated forewings. 3/14 |
Wood White |
Leptidea sinapis |
Markakol. 3/14 |
Large White |
Pieris brassicae |
Scattered. 6/14 |
Green-veined White |
Pieris napi muechi |
Widespread. 8/14 |
Small White |
Pieris rapae |
Only seen in Almaty at the Cathedral! |
Eastern Dappled White |
Euchloe ausonia pulverata |
?Probably this species above Cim Bulak, Almaty |
Eastern Bath White |
Pontia edusa |
Widespread and common |
Metaporia leucodice |
Noted at Cim Bulak, Almaty |
Holly Blue |
Celastrina argiolus |
Only noted at the yourta service area in the Kalbinskiy Hills |
Osiris Blue |
Cupido osiris |
The commonest blue in the Markakol area. 3/14 |
Small Blue |
Cupido minimus |
Also very common at Markakol. 2/14 |
Cupido buddhista |
Noted at Cim Bulak, Almaty |
Chequered Blue |
Scolitantides orion |
1 on the Marble Pass and 3+ on the dry hill north of Markakol. 2/14 |
Large Blue sp |
Maculinea sp |
1 seen on the Alatay Pass |
Idas Blue |
Plebeius idas |
In the hotel garden at Ust-Kamenogorsk |
Silver-studded Blue |
Plebeius argus |
A colony of hundreds at the ‘orchid’ marsh in the Bukhtarma Valley |
Zephyr Blue |
Plebeius pylaon |
Noted between Ust-Kamenogorsk and Zaysan and several at the yourta service area there on the way back. 2/14 |
Mountain Argus |
Aricia artaxerxes |
Subspecies ‘strandi’. Seen on the Alatay and Bukhtarma Passes. 2/14 |
Geranium Argus |
Eumedonia eumedon |
The commonest blue in meadows between Markakol and the Burkhat pass. 2/14 |
Mazarine Blue |
Cyaniris semiargus |
Scattered. 5/14 |
Amanda’s Blue |
Agrodiaetus amandus |
1 on the Alatay Pass |
Common Blue |
Polyommatus icarus |
Only noted on the Alatay Pass |
Dark Green Fritillary |
Argynnis aglaja |
Only seen at the ‘orchid marsh’ in the Bukhtarma Valley |
Cardinal |
Argynnis pandora |
Singles in the Kalbinskiy Hills and Marble Pass. 2/14 |
Pearl-bordered Fritillary |
Clossiana euphrosyne |
A few in the Markakol area. 2/14 |
Queen of Spain Fritillary |
Issoria lathonia |
Scattered. 5/14 |
Lesser Marbled Fritillary |
Brenthis ino |
1 at the ‘orchid marsh’ in the Bukhtarma Valley |
Glanville Fritillary |
Melitaea cinxia |
Noted in the Kalbinskiy Hills and on the Altay Pass |
Melitaea latonigena |
Common on the dry hill north of Markakol and on the Alatay Pass. 2/14 |
Freyer’s Fritillary |
Melitaea arduninna |
Noted in the Kalbinskiy Hills |
Melitaea arcesia |
2 on the Alatay Pass – looks superficially like a small Euphydryas species! |
Assmann’s Fritillary |
Mellicta britomartis |
A few seen around Markakol, Alatay and Burkhat Passes. 3/14 |
Lapland Fritillary |
Euphydryas iduna |
2 just outside the village at Markakol |
Asian Fritillary |
Euphydryas intermedia |
Seen on the Alatay Pass and below the Burkhat Pass. 2/14 |
Marsh Fritillary |
Euphydryas aurinia |
1 near Markakol |
Hungarian Glider |
Neptis rivularis |
Widespread. 8/14 |
Poplar Admiral |
Limenitis populi |
Around a dozen seen on each journey along the Bukhtarma’s main northward tributary below the climb to Rakhmanovskie Klyuchi |
Limenitis sydyi |
1 dead one found at the yourta service area in the Kalbinskiy Hills |
Limenitis helmanni |
Abundant at the yourta service area in the Kalbinskiy Hills |
Camberwell Beauty |
Nymphalis antiopa |
Singles twice at Markakol – overwinterers as they were in bad condition! |
Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell |
Nymphalis xanthomelas |
Widespread and common. 11/14 |
Small Tortoiseshell |
Aglais urticae |
Widespread and common – except Zaysan. 10/14 |
Map Butterfly |
Araschnia levana |
Not uncommon around Markakol and the Alatay Pass. 3/14 |
Peacock |
Inachis io |
Only seen once at Markakol |
Comma |
Polygonum c-album |
Singles on the Alatay Pass and on the northward tributary of the Buktarma below the climb to Rakhmanovskie Klyuchi. 2/14 |
Painted Lady |
Cynthia cardui |
Scattered. 4/14 |
Hermit |
Chazara briseus magna |
Only seen in the Bukhtarma Valley |
Great Sooty Satyr |
Satyrus ferula |
1 at the Spring in Zaysan |
False Ringlet |
Coenonympha oedippus |
Quite common around the bee farm at Kamenka. 3/14 |
Chestnut Heath |
Coenonympha glycerion |
1 in the Kalbinskiy Hills and also noted at the bee farm near Kamenka. 2/14 |
Coenonympha sunbecca |
Quite a few seen above Cim Bulak, Almaty |
Dalmatian Ringlet |
Proterebia afra |
A single in the Kalbinskiy Hills |
Arran Brown |
Erebia ligea |
The common ringlet at Rakhmanovskie Klyuchi. 2/14 |
Erebia jeniseiensis |
Common on the Burkhat Pass |
Erebia kindermanni |
Seen on the Alatay Pass. Like the next species but with no orange areas on the inner part of wing |
Erebia theano |
Widespread and quite common in meadows above about 1100m. 4/14 |
Erebia cyclopius |
Singles at Markakol and by the north tributary of the Bukhtarma River below the rise to Rakhmanovskie Klyuchi. 2/14. A very distinctive ringlet |
Scotch Argus |
Erebia aethiops |
Above Cim Bulak, Almaty |
Erebia turanica |
Above Cim Bulak, Almaty |
Aphantopus hyperantus |
1 by the north tributary of the Bukhtarma River below the rise to Rakhmanovskie Klyuchi |
Hyponephele naricina |
?The small ‘browns’ in the Kiin Kerish Canyon and other parts of Zaysan were probably this species? |
Oriental Meadow Brown |
Hyponephele lupina |
?Large ‘meadow brown’ types seen in various areas must surely have been this species? |
Oeneis nanna |
2 amid dry tundra on the Burkhat Pass |
Large Wall Brown |
Lasiommata maera |
Quite common at Markakol and on the Kalbinskiy Hills |
Northern Wall Brown |
Lasiommata petropolitana |
Seen on the Alatay Pass |
Lopinga achine |
1 going to roost on the side of the ‘mess hut’ at the bee farm, Kamenka |
Esper’s Marbled White |
Melanargia russiae |
Scattered. 3/14 |
Chequered Skipper |
Carterocephalus palaemon |
Singles on the Alatay Pass and in a bog by the lake at Rakhmanovskie Klyuchi. 2/14 |
Orbed Red-underwing Skipper |
Spialia orbifer |
A single at Markakol |
Large Skipper |
Ochlodes venetus |
Scattered. 3/14 |
Olive Skipper |
Pyrgus serratulae |
1 on the Burkhat Pass |
Large Grizzled Skipper |
Pyrgus alveus |
Common on the Alatay Pass |
Essex Skipper |
Thymelicus lineola |
Common at the ‘yourta service area’ in the Kalbinskiy Hills |
Small Skipper |
Thymelicus sylvestris |
1 on the Alatay Pass | The taxonomy and nomenclature for the following list has been taken from “Die Tagfalter Nordwestasiens” by Lukhtanov and Lukhtanov (1994) |
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